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Java try-with-resources Tutorial

In Java, managing resources such as file streams, database connections, or network sockets can be tricky because you need to ensure that they are closed properly after use.

If not handled correctly, it can lead to resource leaks, which can cause performance degradation and errors.

Java's try-with-resources statement, introduced in Java 7, simplifies this process by ensuring that resources are automatically closed after use.

In this tutorial, we will cover:

1. What is the try-with-resources Statement?

The try-with-resources statement is a special type of try statement that automatically closes resources (such as files, streams, etc.) once the try block is finished executing. Any object that implements the AutoCloseable or Closeable interface can be used with try-with-resources.

Basic Syntax of try-with-resources:

try (ResourceType resource = new ResourceType()) {
    // Code that uses the resource
} catch (ExceptionType e) {
    // Handle exceptions

In the above syntax:

The resource is automatically closed at the end of the try block, even if an exception occurs.
You don't need a finally block to manually close the resource.

2. How it Differs from Traditional try-catch-finally

Traditionally, to handle resources like file streams, you would use try-catch-finally and manually close the resource in the finally block. This can lead to more verbose code and can be error-prone if the resource closing is missed.

Example 1: Traditional try-catch-finally

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

public class TraditionalTryCatchExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FileWriter writer = null;
        try {
            writer = new FileWriter("output.txt");
            writer.write("Hello, World!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (writer != null) {
                try {
                    writer.close();  // Manually closing the resource
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed to close the writer.");

Problems with Traditional try-catch-finally:
Resource closing must be done manually in the finally block.
The code is verbose and error-prone, especially if you forget to close the resource.

3. Working with Resources that Implement AutoCloseable

The try-with-resources feature automatically closes resources that implement the AutoCloseable interface. Most Java classes that manage resources (such as FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, Socket, Connection, etc.) already implement this interface, so they can be used with try-with-resources.

Example 2: Using try-with-resources with FileWriter

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

public class TryWithResourcesExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using try-with-resources
        try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("output.txt")) {
            writer.write("Hello, World!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage());


The FileWriter is declared inside the parentheses of the try block.
After the try block is executed (whether successfully or due to an exception), the FileWriter is automatically closed without the need for a finally block.

4. Multiple Resources in try-with-resources

You can manage multiple resources in a single try-with-resources block by separating them with a semicolon (;). Each resource is automatically closed in the reverse order of their creation.

Example 3: Multiple Resources in try-with-resources

import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

public class MultipleResourcesExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using multiple resources
        try (FileReader reader = new FileReader("input.txt");
             FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("output.txt")) {
            int data;
            while ((data = reader.read()) != -1) {
                writer.write(data);  // Copy data from input.txt to output.txt
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage());


The FileReader and FileWriter are both declared in the try-with-resources block.
Both resources are automatically closed at the end of the block, even if an exception is thrown.
The order of closure is the reverse of their creation (i.e., writer is closed before reader).

5. Combining try-with-resources with catch and finally

You can combine try-with-resources with catch and finally blocks if you need to handle exceptions or perform additional cleanup.

Example 4: Combining try-with-resources with catch and finally

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;

public class TryCatchFinallyExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using try-with-resources with catch and finally
        try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("output.txt")) {
            writer.write("Hello, Try-With-Resources!");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error writing to file: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            System.out.println("This finally block always runs.");


The try-with-resources block handles the automatic closing of the resource.
The catch block handles any IOException that might occur during the write operation.
The finally block executes regardless of whether an exception occurs, allowing you to perform any additional cleanup or logging.

6. Custom Resources with AutoCloseable

You can create your own classes that implement the AutoCloseable interface, which allows those objects to be used in a try-with-resources block.

Example 5: Creating a Custom AutoCloseable Resource

// Custom resource class that implements AutoCloseable
class MyResource implements AutoCloseable {
    public MyResource() {
        System.out.println("MyResource opened.");

    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Doing something with MyResource.");

    // Automatically called when used in try-with-resources
    public void close() {
        System.out.println("MyResource closed.");

public class CustomAutoCloseableExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (MyResource resource = new MyResource()) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("An error occurred: " + e.getMessage());


The MyResource class implements the AutoCloseable interface and provides its own close() method.
When the try-with-resources block is finished, the close() method of MyResource is automatically called.

7. Key Considerations

Only Works with AutoCloseable: Resources used in a try-with-resources block must implement the AutoCloseable or Closeable interface.
Automatic Closure: Resources are automatically closed at the end of the try block, even if exceptions occur. This ensures proper resource management and avoids leaks.
Multiple Resources: Multiple resources can be managed within a single try-with-resources block. They are closed in reverse order.
Combining with catch and finally: You can still use catch and finally blocks with try-with-resources, allowing for both exception handling and additional cleanup.


The try-with-resources feature in Java simplifies resource management by automatically closing resources after use, making your code cleaner, more efficient, and less prone to resource leaks.

It eliminates the need for manual resource closure, reducing boilerplate code and ensuring that resources are always properly closed, even when exceptions occur.

In this tutorial, we covered:

The basics of try-with-resources and how it differs from traditional try-catch-finally.
Using try-with-resources to handle single and multiple resources.
Combining try-with-resources with catch and finally.
Creating custom resources that implement AutoCloseable.

By adopting try-with-resources in your Java applications, you can effectively manage resources such as file streams, database connections, and sockets, ensuring that they are always properly released.

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